Monday, July 4, 2011

Please Be Patient

Its 2am and I’m wide awake, my mind is full of you
I lie here reeling from the events of the last day or two
I cannot sleep or will not sleep because every time I close my eyes
It’s your beautiful face I see; we have to say our goodbyes
Eventually when I get to sleep you invade my every dream
No matter what I dream about you’re there, you’re touching, you’re loving
It will not change the way I feel, but please let me alone
I’m numb with the pain of loss right now, please let me heal alone
You feel the same; your face tells me so, but I cannot cope with your pain
I cannot comfort, I cannot hug, I cannot be near you, and it hurts me too much
I’m sorry for the pain I’m causing you, I’m sorry anyone got hurt
You know my feelings haven’t changed just the timing is all wrong

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